How To Grow Philodendron White Knight?

How To Grow Philodendron White Knight?

philodendron white knight


The gorgeous Philodendron White Knight is a very uncommon plant that requires little maintenance. The crown gem of every indoor grower’s collection is this stunning specimen.


To help you successfully grow this uncommon plant, we’ll go over White Knight philodendron care in more detail in this post.


If you’re interested in purchasing a Philodendron White Knight, we should caution you that it is expensive; nonetheless, we’ve included some of the most cost-effective selections below.

Care instructions for philodendrons Black Knight

The White Knight, praised as an easy-to-grow plant, provides you with the eye-catching white variegation that White Princesses are also renowned for. Your White Knight plant will have stunning foliage for many years if you just grow it in the right circumstances.


The good news is that you can check your worries and bother at the door. Tropical climates are ideal for Philodendron White Knights since plants need little care and upkeep.


How to grow the White Knight philodendron

A White Knight can be grown from a stem cutting. A White Knight plant, some water, and some scissors are all you need.


You may easily multiply philodendrons by just following these instructions, as well as you’ll have plenty of White Knights to decorate your home with.


1:Dip your scissors in 70%–100% ethanol to sterilise them.

2:Use an aerial root to locate the node.

3:Make an incision with your scissors beneath the leaf’s node.

4:Cut the cut stem off. Ensure that there is only one leaf and aerial root left.

5:Put the stem in a water-filled jar. While the aerial root portion should be entirely submerged in 6:water, the leaf portion should be exposed to the air.

7:Transplant the stem to a potting mix as well as roots appear on the aerial root.

You can read more about philodendron white knight on purple heart plant


White Princess against Philodendron’s White Knight

Few and far between are indoor plants that can rival the White Princess’ splendour. After all, the White Princess and the Pink Princess of the Philodendron are regarded as plant aristocrats. To unseat these two in the indoor plant race, there will need to be a strong competitor.


What then distinguishes the Philodendron White Knight from the White Princess? The White Knight is highly praised by many amateur and professional gardeners, but elitist experts on potted plants debate its virtues. Is the White Knight deserving of the White Princess’s challenge? Let’s investigate:


They are both white-variegated.

The white markings on the heart-shaped leaves of the White Knight and White Princess have made them both famous. Variegation is the name for these patterns, which show up as stark white blotches on the leaf. The White Princess has green stems, but the White Knight has burgundy stems.


The leaves of the White Knight are broader.

Because of its narrow leaves, the White Princess is known for having a dainty appearance, whilst the White Knight has a more imposing aspect. Your White Knight should have wider leaves and grow more quickly.


A climber, the White Knight.

The White Knight is a climbing cultivar, in contrast to the White Princess, which is a stand-alone plant. As a result, it will eventually require structural support to cling to as it grows. If given the right care, a fully grown White Knight can grow to a height of 3 metres.


The White Knight and White Princess both triumph in the competition to determine which Philodendron is the superior one. Everything depends on your aesthetic preferences. Try the White Knight if large indoor plants are more your style. Simply follow the above-mentioned care and propagation advice, and you’ll soon have a lovely white-and-green urban jungle in your own home.


The leaves are turning yellow

The two main causes of yellowing leaves are either excessive watering or exposure to strong, direct sunshine.

Too much sunlight will scorch the leaves and rob them of their natural variegation, while too much water will oversaturate the soil and result in a reduction in the amount of oxygen available to the roots.

How to repair?

Place the plant in a location that receives filtered, bright indirect sunlight.
Trim yellowing, damaged leaves with sterile shears.
Check for root rot and replace the potting soil (roots will look black and often will smell bad). If there are only a few problematic roots, prune them. If there are too many, you’ll have to remove the entire root system, which is not advised.

Wet Patches or Spots on the Leaves

The dreaded erwinia blight illness, ah. One of the most prevalent diseases that affects philodendron species is erwinia blight, which can be fatal if untreated for even a short period of time.

Erwinia blight is a type of bacterium that appears as wet lesions or patches on leaves that flourishes in warm, humid, and damp settings (think of all tropical philos).

If afflicted, leaves frequently seem slimy, moist, and occasionally transparent.

How to repair?

Pruning should be done right away if only one or two leaves are affected. A fungicide or pesticide application has little impact on this illness.
On all leaves, on a majority of the leaves, or on the stem? As the illness operates below the soil level, it is quite challenging to treat if it has progressed that far. Your plant pal may have to bid you farewell.

 Who Do I Call?

Unexpectedly, a white knight or white wizard philodendron frequently turns back to its original colour of green. This occurs when the mother plant’s genetic mutation is unstable.

There is still hope, though, if you have some leaves that have that gorgeous white variegation on them.

You should cut your plant back with a fresh pair of pruning shears or scissors until you reach a stem or trunk that still has variegated leaves on it. But you should maintain the thick, white-variegated leaves!

Reducing the size of your plant stimulates the genetic mutation to recur throughout the following growth cycle. But it’s not absolutely certain.

Your plant might go back to being all green, as it usually is. My plants have done this before. There isn’t much you can do besides admire the plant for what it is.

My White Knight leaves are quite small, but they used to be big

Did you purchase your plant from a nearby nursery or import it from a warm, humid country? As they become acclimated to cooler, less humid settings, leaves will gradually shrink.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the philodendron white knight may be grown outdoors in locations like Sri Lanka and the Philippines, which results in naturally broader leaves.

This happens a lot when your plant adjusts to its new environment.