Are You Preparing for GRE Exam? Then, go through this Introductive Guide!

Are You Preparing for GRE Exam? Then, go through this Introductive Guide!

best GRE prep

best GRE prep for the GRE is a task that a lot of students face. GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination and is conducted bey ETS, Educational Testing Service. The ETS is an independent organization that administers exams to people intersted in pursuing graduate studies in the United States. The test has been around for over 50 years, and many students want to get into their dream schools after taking this examination. Besides being critical, the GRE can also be challenging because it tests your analytical skills, among other things.

Understand the basic structure:

Before you start the test, become familiar with the structure of the exam. The paper is divided into six sections with one writing test as well. The quantitative section consists of 40 multiple-choice questions with a time limit of 90 minutes. This section tests your basic mathematical skills and ability to solve problems. The verbal section consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 90 minutes. The questions in this section test reading comprehension and vocabulary skills, among others. There are two analytical writing tests which consist of 2 essay prompts that need to be completed in 30 minutes or 50 minutes. This part is designed to test your critical thinking abilities and communication skills.

Pay attention to time:

The best GRE prep is conducted in multiple sessions, and a maximum of 180 minutes of your time is allotted. Therefore you should spend your time wisely. Remember that the essay will require a lot of thinking and will take much more time than the other parts. Therefore, do not waste your time on questions you do not know how to solve. Read the instructions carefully and work quickly so that you can spend the maximum amount of time on questions that are easy to solve. Do not get stuck on one question which is difficult to solve. If you are stuck, make sure that you go back to the previous question and work out your strategy. It will help you finish the entire exam on time.

Pace yourself:

The GRE prep course is essential not just for the schools but also for your career. There are a lot of graduate schools that have no room for more applicants. Therefore, achieving a high score on this exam will help you increase your chances of getting into a prestigious school. Also, keep an eye on the number of questions you have answered correctly; this will help you decide when it is time to move on to the next question.

Don’t take unscheduled breaks:

The GRE is an extended test, and you need to remain calm. Keeping your mind from wandering in the middle of an exam is essential. Therefore, it is not a good idea to take any unscheduled breaks. However, if you are ill or facing some other challenges related to the test, you can take an unscheduled break of five minutes which people will give after every hour of your exam.

Be accurate:

The GRE tests your analytical abilities, and therefore accuracy is critical. If you miss one out of 40 questions that you have attempted, it could cost you your dreams of getting into a top-tier school in the United States. Therefore, ensure you do not miss out on any test questions and always check your answers before submitting them.

Be confident:

The GRE is very challenging, and you need to be confident while taking it. Two sections of this test focus on verbal and quantitative skills, among others. These two areas are the ones that require extra concentration, and therefore, it is essential to be confident while taking them. If you are unsure about a question, go ahead with your response rather than asking for clarification from the other students sitting alongside you. It will help you get your answer right and not increase your chances of making a mistake during the exam.

A Little Research Goes a Long Way

Before jumping in with the application form, it’s wise to research the application process, educational qualification, test content and format. However, finding a genuine prep centre is a complicated task, but it is necessary to find the right test centre. Searching online for the best GRE prep courses will surely help your venture.

Plan Your Time Wisely

The break time will allow you to go out and have some refreshments or hang around with friends before returning.

And also, it is advisable to keep track of the time and your remaining time. For example, on a 150-question test, you may require about 2 hours for each section. As such, you need to plan well before the actual testing day, so you do not have any last-minute panic attacks.

Many test takers assume that just because they have taken the GRE, they are automatically eligible for admission to the Business School. And this is wrong. Before putting your name on the application form, you must pay all fees associated with registration, including the cost of taking the exam, the cost of reference letters, etc.

Many test takers assume that just because they have taken the GRE, they are automatically eligible for admission to the Business School. And this is wrong. You will only be deemed eligible if you have a minimum GMAT score of 580 or 590 if you hold a master’s degree from an ABET-accredited university.

Before putting your name on the application form, you must pay all fees associated with registration, including the cost of taking the exam, the cost of reference letters, etc.

The break time will allow you to go out and have some refreshments or hang around with friends before returning.

And also, it is advisable to keep track of the time and your remaining time. For example, on a 150-question test, you may require about 2 hours for each section. As such, you need to plan well before the actual testing day, so you do not have any last-minute panic attacks


The GRE has seen many changes since it was established over 50 years ago. There are more sections and more questions, the time is increased, and the scores do not just rely on your ability to solve complex problems. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the most crucial exam of your life. If you want to learn more about best GRE prep, click here.